“Every set of pipes I make is made entirely to individual order. My styles and methods have been developed and well-honed with over a continuous 40 years of dedication.” – Ray Sloan
Every set of pipes I make is made entirely to individual order. My styles and methods have been developed and well-honed in over 40 years of pipe-making, I can therefore guarantee that every set of Pipes I make will be fully in tune and properly adjusted to all of the expected norms of playing.
If you go to my ‘Uilleann Pipes‘ page you will find many pictures showing details of my Irish Uilleann Pipes and in addition several articles on Uilleann Pipes, their history, and advice on buying Uilleann Pipes. If you visit my ‘Links‘ page you will find links to a good variety of websites dedicated to both Uilleann Piping and Scottish Smallpipe interest.
I hope you find what you are looking for on these pages and please feel free to contact me with any questions.